is a static site generator for audio producers (2021-today)

The Hyper 8 Video System
is a static site generator for video (2023-today)
is a simple, self-hostable group calendar (2024-today)

is a data language for people of diverse cultural backgrounds and technical abilities. (2018-today)

is a minimalist password store built around a single GPG-encrypted plaintext file. (2020-today)
Good Form
is an audio player for professional usecases, stuck in eternal alpha. (2019)

The play:vienna
website I designed a few years back

A generative barcode sytem from the magical realist theatre piece Questionology

A printable model I created for the apertus AXIOM Gamma
project kick-off (2014)
Sketch of a tree from a daydream

Bar sketch

Sketches of boats and rails in an ocean

A briefingroom concept for my local hackerspace created with Freestyle/Blender

Sketches made during street game design

One version of «Die Nacht stellt keine Fragen», an algorithmically constructed essayistic short film (2012)
Still from my diploma thesis «Die Nacht stellt keine Fragen» (2012)

Still from my diploma thesis «Die Nacht stellt keine Fragen» (2012)

Sketch of an unimpressed droid

Film still sketch

Mixed sketch material

Sketches of mechanical things

Vienna Konzerthaus Sketch

Sketch of a tattooed figure

Jingle for the Netzkinder podcast (2014)
Ink sketch

A piano composition from 2019
Silhouette-based banner design for a call a few years back

Poster for the Journey Vienna

Comic panel recreation based on «Duck Tales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp» (2020)

Sketch with pencil, ink and marker

«Transparency Poker», a conceptual poker game (2013)

Suzanne Strauss

An early previsualization of one of the first ZEITDice
, made with Freestyle/Blender (2014)

CGI sequence from Zoon Politikon
. (CC-licensed assets by Qba/Rendars/Fluppi393/LucasKS) (2017)