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Feber is a simple, self-hostable group calendar.
Feber is a single PHP file (+assets) that runs on virtually every webhost.
Feber is free software, licensed under the AGPL3+.

Screenshot showing the calendar interface: A header bar, a table with cells for days, a footer bar, hamburger menu button, two big tool buttons and a logo Screenshot showing the calendar interface: A header bar, a table with cells for days, a footer bar, hamburger menu button, two big tool buttons and a logo


  • File-based and database-free - trivial to setup, backup and transfer
  • Event booking, easy repetition of events
  • User management (four permission levels from read-only up to admin)
  • Anonymous viewing/editing link option
  • ics/ical subscription link option
  • Automatic dark/light theme
  • Customize calendar title and start of week (Monday/Sunday)
  • Localized (already available: Danish, English, French, German, Turkish)

Non-Features - by design not included - are CalDAV, multiple calendars per installation, native multi-day booking, away times, etc. Feber aims to do a few things only, and do those well, while being trivial to setup and host.


A static demo of the entire featureset. You can navigate to all pages but nothing you enter or do will be processed. All forms can be submitted without entering anything. Feber looks 100% the same in real operation, just functional. Try static demo

Video Guide

"In about 8 minutes this video includes a complete showcase and tutorial to the calendar software Feber. After watching you will able to host a group calendar yourself." To the video guide


Any somewhat recent PHP version (7.0 or later) with the intl and mbstring extensions installed and enabled - these things are preinstalled and enabled on virtually every webhost on the market. If you don't know whether you meet these requirements you can simply try to install and run feber, it will let you know if anything is missing.


Direct download of the latest release: feber-1.3.0.zip (Changelog)

Alternatively you can also get it from the repository on codeberg.org

If you're using YunoHost, Feber is also available on the YunoHost app store.

Setup guide

  1. Upload feber's files [1] to a directory on your webhost
  2. Open the directory in your browser and complete the the setup form

[1] That's index.php, scripts.js, styles.css, favicon.svg and splash.jpg.

Backup/transfer guide

  1. Download all files [2] from the directory where you set up feber
  2. These files are your backup, keep them in a safe place
  3. For transfer, simply upload these files to another webhost

[2] Including user data in events.php, markers.php and settings.php.

Update guide

Just drag feber's files from a newer version onto the directory where you set up feber, confirming all overwrites of existing files. Your user data is left untouched by this, as it resides in adjacent files.


If feber proves useful to you consider financially supporting my work through Ko-fi or Liberapay to allow me to further develop and maintain the software.

In case of issues

Feber comes as is, without warranty of any kind, but I'm happily there to work out any occurring issues should they arise. Contact me via email at simon@fdpl.io.

At this point there is only one sole known gotcha, namely that some webhosters apparently default to php configurations that cache so aggressively, that php scripts don't dynamically execute any more (which ... defeats the purpose). If you observe this try to disable/loosen caching in your webhoster's settings and/or contact their support if needed for assistance.


The people who have helped to make Feber what it is in one way or another. If you don't want to be listed let me know! Thank you also to everyone not listed - not every contribution can always be tracked, but all of them, however small on the surface, are much appreciated!

Alexandre Aubin, atomkarinca, Chris Vogel, decibyte, Eric Gaspar, OniriCorpe, sknob

Alternatives to Feber

  • Baïkal «Baïkal is a lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server.»
  • Radicale «Free and Open-Source CalDAV and CardDAV Server»