
In general, all whitespace before, between and after any token is stripped away. The two following examples produce exactly the same output:

field:a field's value

... is exactly equal to ...

  field  :  a field's value
  field  :
  -  item

The only exception to this is the value of an embed. All whitespace - leading, trailing and empty lines - inside an embed is always kept.

Consider the embed below, it holds the value "The Value".

-- my_embed
The Value
-- my_embed

The next embed below however holds a value containing exactly what you see - three lines, with the middle one being " The Value".

-- my_embed

  The Value

-- my_embed

Escaping and whitespace

Note that eno's escaping does not allow you to express leading and trailing whitespace in keys. Outer spacing in an escape sequence allows solving ambiguous cases of double-escaping, but is always trimmed away:

`key`: value
`  key  `: value

Here the resulting key is key both in the first and second example.

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