A static site generator
for audio producers.
Point Faircamp to a folder hierarchy containing your audio files.
Within minutes, Faircamp builds a complete website presenting your work.
The resulting site requires no database, no programming, no maintenance,
and is compatible with virtually every webhost on this planet.
Streaming Player
- Option: M3U Playlists Provides a streaming option outside of the browser
- Planned: Podcast RSS Host podcasts with Faircamp – scheduled for 2025
- Option: Unlock Codes Provide exclusive access to downloads
- Option: Soft Paycurtain Ask financial support on third-party platforms
- Option: External Downloads Link to third-party platforms for download/purchase
All Audio Producers
- Musicians Represent your solo project, band, choir, noise collective, ...
- Sound Designers, Game Artists Internally share your work with your clients or team
- Multiple Projects, Labels Enable label mode to host any number of projects on one site
All Audiences
- Responsive Fully functional down to the smallest screens
- Accessible Usable with keyboard and screenreader
- JavaScript is optional Also usable with JavaScript disabled
- Dark/Light Choose a base, set dynamic range for diverse aesthetics
- Monochrome/Colored Choose base and accent colors to your liking
- Background Images Use images to further customize your design
- Site-wide or per release You can use different designs on different subpages
- Interactive theming widget Try out different designs directly on your pages

And more
- Browse/Search Lets your visitors quickly find their favorites
- Embeds Allow your work to be featured in articles and posts
- RSS Feed Allows visitors to subscribe to your updates
- Procedural covers Automatically generated fallback visuals (AI-free)
- Unlisted releases Share previews with peers by flagging a release as unlisted
Free & Non-Profit
Faircamp 1.0 and beyond
Community Resources
- Meljoann's extensive blog post walks you through getting started with faircamp on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Video guide (11min) by LinuxCreative giving a faircamp how-to for Linux, also including detailed instructions for free/cheap hosting via Cloudflare
- Un tutoriel en français, écrit par Johann Bourquenez
- Using YunoHost? There is a faircamp app available, maintained by OniriCorpe
- Docker Faircamp provides a preconfigured and documented setup to run faircamp in a docker container
- Faircamp Webring allows discovering new faircamp sites through a link chain, and can be joined!
- Simple RSS feed aggregator for Faircamp sites by Yonder (Live Example)
- Using a separate storage domain with a faircamp site Yonder's notes on a custom split storage/server setup
- Sparsity's repository as reference for how to host via github-pages (comes with some limitations)
Sites Using Faircamp
These are some example sites - but many more are out there! Want to add yours? Post it on the fediverse or in this issue.
12ax7.fm aags.screaming.beauty aerror.net alisonwilder.net/music annoyingrecords.daghe.xyz anybodysking.com audio.enoent.one base.at/faircamp/dorninger basrelief.info/music bonkwave.org/music cenkisnotdead.ch christianpacaud.com/musique crocutaband.org danielmaxson.com/music defensemech.com/music desolationpark.se djomnimaga.music-2000.com/faircamp durad.xyz/projects/pohofusion faircamp.artweirdomedia.net faircamp.axwax.eu faircamp.defaultmediatransmitter.com faircamp.fstateaudio.com faircamp.gavart.ist faircamp.meljoann.com faircamp.protman.com faircamp.radio.uoc.gr faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/amberlucent faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/benjamindaass faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/bruxadomangue faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/control faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/levinskyleo faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/limnetic faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/rathmoretv faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/socool faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/voidconspiracy faircamp.snapinfraction.com faircamp.soundcrack.net faircamp.suetszu.com faircamp.synkr3tyk.rocks faircamp.thurk.org fastachee.rodeo fc.kliklak.net fkfd.me/jam fromabasement.com/faircamp futurecabaret.com gorr.no helenbell.co.uk/faircamp imaginative-scratchings.com/music/ jangwa.eu jeremy.org/music/The Jeremy Bornstein Trio johannbourquenez.com/faircamp kazoohero.com knova.net kromo.synth.is kristofferlislegaard.com/faircamp listen.sirjupiter.com listen.soundslike.pro listen.yarmo.eu lixt.xyz lucamancini.com/catalogue mattyoung.fyi/faircamp mewsse.io music.aaronroberto.com music.arnemancy.com music.attksthdrknss.com music.audiokontor.net music.bedlamsteps.uk music.berdandy.com music.control.org music.dxcomplex.com music.futzle.com music.imbalance.no music.jefftheworld.com music.jfenn.me music.key13.uk music.lminiero.it music.moule.world music.padpalon.ch music.schallundstille.de music.whitevhs.xyz musique.st3rk.fr music.zeroes.ca nham.co.uk/secretdeal punxdrone.com rdlk.xyz reverb10000.com rubylouiserose.com/faircamp samae.demer.se shivpal.in/music signbitmusic.netlify.app sknob.fr/faircamp sparsitymusic.com stephenclearymusic.com/faircamp streetg.love/s synx.dad tarpan.band taube.xyz/loft the.jdsessions.com tinanay.avocadosh.xyz thehappybuttons.com thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/erdspiegel torstentorsten.de/faircamp tryptophonic.com tsunami.oooooooooo.net twuni.net umanoudito.daghe.xyz umbriel.dysnomia.one velstandsfanden.no whenthebirdsleft.org
- Personal
- Plain
- Small
- Simple
- Light
- Fast
- Reduced
- Elegant
- Stable
- Low/No-Maintenance
- Free
- Independent
- Privacy-Respecting
- Standards-Conforming