A static site generator
for audio producers.
Point Faircamp to a folder hierarchy containing your audio files.
Within minutes, Faircamp builds a complete website presenting your work.
The resulting site requires no database, no programming, no maintenance,
and is compatible with virtually every webhost on this planet.
Streaming Player
- Option: M3U Playlists Provides a streaming option outside of the browser
- Planned: Podcast RSS Host podcasts with Faircamp – scheduled for 2025
- Option: Unlock Codes Provide exclusive access to downloads
- Option: Soft Paycurtain Ask financial support on third-party platforms
- Option: External Downloads Link to third-party platforms for download/purchase
All Audio Producers
- Musicians Represent your solo project, band, choir, noise collective, ...
- Sound Designers, Game Artists Internally share your work with your clients or team
- Multiple Projects, Labels Enable label mode to host any number of projects on one site
All Audiences
- Responsive Fully functional down to the smallest screens
- Accessible Usable with keyboard and screenreader
- JavaScript is optional Also usable with JavaScript disabled
- Dark/Light Choose a base, set dynamic range for diverse aesthetics
- Monochrome/Colored Choose base and accent colors to your liking
- Background Images Use images to further customize your design
- Site-wide or per release You can use different designs on different subpages
- Interactive theming widget Try out different designs directly on your pages

And more
- Browse/Search Lets your visitors quickly find their favorites
- Embeds Allow your work to be featured in articles and posts
- RSS Feed Allows visitors to subscribe to your updates
- Procedural covers Automatically generated fallback visuals (AI-free)
- Unlisted releases Share previews with peers by flagging a release as unlisted
Free & Non-Profit
Faircamp 1.0 and beyond
Community Resources
- The #faircamp:matrix.opencloud.lu chat group (on the matrix network) can potentially help you with practical faircamp questions – this is hosted by artists (and labels) just like you so it's important to understand this not as a corporate service desk but a collaborative effort to help each other.
- Meljoann's extensive blog post walks you through getting started with faircamp on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Video guide (11min) by LinuxCreative giving a faircamp how-to for Linux, also including detailed instructions for free/cheap hosting via Cloudflare
- Un tutoriel en français, écrit par Johann Bourquenez
- The negative void community faircamp is an initiative coming out of former Radio Free Fedi and tries to help artists build and host their own faircamp sites if they can't do so on their own.
- Using YunoHost? There is a faircamp app available, maintained by OniriCorpe
- The Faircamp Webring allows discovering new faircamp sites through a webring, and can be joined!
- Docker Faircamp provides a preconfigured and documented setup to run faircamp in a docker container
- Simple RSS feed aggregator for Faircamp sites by Yonder (Live Example)
- Using a separate storage domain with a faircamp site Yonder's notes on a custom split storage/server setup
- Sparsity's repository as reference for how to host via github-pages (comes with some limitations)
Sites Using Faircamp
These are some example sites - but many more are out there! Want to add yours? Post it on the fediverse or in this issue.
12ax7.fm aags.screaming.beauty aerror.net alisonwilder.net/music annoyingrecords.daghe.xyz anybodysking.com arcseconds.net audio.enoent.one base.at/faircamp/dorninger basrelief.info/music bonkwave.org/music cenkisnotdead.ch christianpacaud.com/musique crocutaband.org danielmaxson.com/music decibyte.net/music defensemech.com/music desolationpark.se discs-noia.cat djomnimaga.music-2000.com/faircamp durad.xyz/projects/pohofusion elifinquartet.pallamondo.net faircamp.artweirdomedia.net faircamp.axwax.eu faircamp.defaultmediatransmitter.com faircamp.fstateaudio.com faircamp.gavart.ist faircamp.meljoann.com faircamp.protman.com faircamp.radio.uoc.gr faircamp.snapinfraction.com faircamp.soundcrack.net faircamp.suetszu.com faircamp.synkr3tyk.rocks faircamp.thurk.org fastachee.rodeo fc.kliklak.net fkfd.me/jam fromabasement.com/faircamp futurecabaret.com gorr.no helenbell.co.uk/faircamp jangwa.eu jeremy.org/music/The Jeremy Bornstein Trio johannbourquenez.com/faircamp knova.net kromo.synth.is kristofferlislegaard.com/faircamp listen.sirjupiter.com listen.soundslike.pro listen.yarmo.eu lixt.xyz lucamancini.com/catalogue mauriciogiraldo.com/music mattyoung.fyi/faircamp mewsse.io music.aaronroberto.com music.arnemancy.com music.attksthdrknss.com music.audiokontor.net music.bedlamsteps.uk music.berdandy.com music.control.org music.dxcomplex.com music.futzle.com music.imbalance.no music.jefftheworld.com music.jfenn.me music.key13.uk music.lminiero.it music.menzo.video music.moule.world music.padpalon.ch music.schallundstille.de music.whitevhs.xyz musique.st3rk.fr music.zeroes.ca negativevoid.art/amberlucent negativevoid.art/benjamindaass negativevoid.art/levinskyleo negativevoid.art/limnetic negativevoid.art/rathmoretv negativevoid.art/socool negativevoid.art/voidconspiracy podcast.malenfant.net punxdrone.com rdlk.xyz reverb10000.com rubylouiserose.com/faircamp samae.demer.se secretde.al shivpal.in/music shop.basspistol.com signbitmusic.netlify.app sknob.fr/faircamp sparsitymusic.com stephenclearymusic.com/faircamp streetg.love/s synx.dad tarpan.band taube.xyz/loft the.jdsessions.com tinanay.avocadosh.xyz thehappybuttons.com thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/erdspiegel torstentorsten.de/faircamp tryptophonic.com tsunami.oooooooooo.net twuni.net umanoudito.daghe.xyz umbriel.dysnomia.one velstandsfanden.no whenthebirdsleft.org
- Personal
- Plain
- Small
- Simple
- Light
- Fast
- Reduced
- Elegant
- Stable
- Low/No-Maintenance
- Free
- Independent
- Privacy-Respecting
- Standards-Conforming