• Click Create to create events
  • Click Reverse time to see past events
  • Click Menu to open the menu
Feber Demo

Keyboard Shortcuts

Deleting events

Press x while your mouse cursor hovers the title of an event in the calendar. Repeat this for more events if you want to delete multiple at once. Then press Enter to confirm or Escape to cancel.

Repeating events

While your mouse cursor hovers the title of an event in the calendar, press d for daily, w for weekly or b for biweekly repetition. Then use the number keys to enter the amount of times the event should be repeated, using Backspace for corrections. Finally, press Enter to confirm or Escape to cancel.

Viewing past events

In the main calendar view, press r to reverse the flow of time. The current week will be shown as before, but the weeks below will go into the past instead the future.