Hyper 8 Video System


A playlist is, at its simplest, a directory that contains a file called playlist.eno that identifies it as a playlist:

my_playlist/                  <--- Playlist directory
└─ playlist.eno                 <--- Playlist manifest

The name of the directory (which may only contain alphanumeric characters, - and _) determines the permalink for the playlist, that is, the URL/web address under which the playlist will appear publicy on the web if you publish your site online.

Naturally, an empty playlist is not much of a playlist, so in reality you will have video directories inside the playlist directory as well, but note that the presence of video directories itself does not make the directory a playlist by itself, because by default a directory containing video directories will be interpreted as a Collection. The playlist.eno manifest is thus mandatory for every playlist.

Generally speaking, a playlist is a list of videos primarily intended for sequential playback.

The playlist.eno manifest

Manifest for tagging and configuring a playlist.

description = Colorful flags in the wind
file = my_poster.jpg

order: release_date_asc
title: All episodes from the show

label = My Website
url = https://example.com

label = My Social Media
url = https://social.example.com
verification = rel-me

-- description
This playlist includes all episodes from the show,
including the long-lost original three pilots.
-- description

Stand-alone URLs inside the description field are automatically converted to links, and you can additionally use markdown-style inline links such as [Example](https://example.com) to customize the text of a link (Note that no other markdown syntax is supported inside description though). Any number of empty lines in the description field separates paragraphs in the text.

The offline flag, if given, indicates that the playlist should not be included in the built site, and therefore also not deployed to the server.

The unlisted flag, if given, indicates that the playlist should not appear or be linked to on any of the public pages, i.e. only those that are given the link to them, will know of their existence.

The order field controls in which order the videos appear in the playlist on the site. By default, videos are first ordered by their sort_number ascending, falling back to release_date ascending if there are no sort numbers, and given neither of those the order will be random. This field can be set to one of the following:

Any number of link fields can be given. The label for a link is optional. The verification attribute refers to to the rel="me" mechanism, its value can be either rel-me to add the rel="me" attribute to the link or rel-me-hidden to add the attribute and additionally hide the link from the site, thereby making it only visible to servers that want to verify you are the owner of the site through this attribute.

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