Hyper 8 Video System


A video in Hyper 8 is, at its simplest, represented by a directory that contains a single video file:

my_video/                     <--- Video directory
└─ original.mp4                 <--- Video file

The name of the directory (which may only contain alphanumeric characters, - and _) determines the permalink for the video, that is, the URL/web address under which the video will appear publicy on the web if you publish your site online.

More widely speaking, a video in Hyper 8 is a single video-based media artifact that can be (re)presented through different video (but also audio) files to cover a range of qualities/formats. It can also be augmented with subtitle files and a poster image that is shown in thumbnails and before the video is played back. In fact, if there is on poster image, Hyper 8 will compute one automatically (by taking a frame from the video), always.

Video files

Currently the extensions m4v, mp4, mkv, mov are supported.

Subtitle files

Currently the extensions srt and vtt are supported.

By naming your subtitle files with a language code (in BCP 47 format), Hyper 8 can automatically determine its language, for instance en.srt would indicate english subtitles while fr.vtt would indicate french subtitles.

The video.eno manifest

Manifest for tagging and configuring a video, which can be placed inside the video directory. A video directory can be identified as a video directory also by just placing a video.eno file inside it, regardless of whether there is even already a video file in it.

description = Confused looking people in an office
file = episode_1.jpg

release_date: 2024-02-12
sort_number: 1
title: The pilot episode of the show

label = My Website
url = https://example.com

label = My Social Media
url = https://social.example.com
verification = rel-me

-- description
An unsettling truth comes to light as three old friends
reunite at an unexpected gathering.
-- description

Stand-alone URLs inside the description field are automatically converted to links, and you can additionally use markdown-style inline links such as [Example](https://example.com) to customize the text of a link (Note that no other markdown syntax is supported inside description though). Any number of empty lines in the description field separates paragraphs in the text.

The offline flag, if given, indicates that the collection should not be included in the built site, and therefore also not deployed to the server.

The unlisted flag, if given, indicates that the collection should not appear or be linked to on any of the public pages, i.e. only those that are given the link to them, will know of their existence.

The sort_number field can optionally be used to enforce a custom order of appearance for videos that appear in a playlist. It accepts whole numerical values (1, 2, 3) - including zero and negative ones (0, -1, -2). In playlists this custom ordering will automatically be picked up by the default ordering mechanism (which sorts first by sort_number ascending, then by release_date ascending), but the order field in a playlist manifest can be used to modify this behavior - e.g. to use descending order or to sort by release date even if sort_number is present on videos, to sort alphabetically by title, etc.

Any number of link fields can be given. The label for a link is optional. The verification attribute refers to to the rel="me" mechanism, its value can be either rel-me to add the rel="me" attribute to the link or rel-me-hidden to add the attribute and additionally hide the link from the site, thereby making it only visible to servers that want to verify you are the owner of the site through this attribute.

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