Faircamp Manual Faircamp


Three different types of so called manifests are used in order to specify metadata and settings:

├─ catalog.eno
├─ An Artist/
│  └─ artist.eno
├─ Another Artist/
│  └─ artist.eno
├─ First Release/
│  ├─ release.eno
│  ├─ track_1.mp3
│  ├─ track_2.mp3
│  └─ track_3.mp3
└─ Second Release/
   ├─ release.eno
   ├─ track_1.mp3
   ├─ track_2.mp3
   └─ track_3.mp3

In the example above, everything defined in catalog.eno applies to An Artist, Another Artist, First Release and Second Release, but the artist.eno and release.eno manifests can selectively override options for the artist/release directories they are placed in.

Here is an example release.eno manifest to give you an idea of how they work:

title: Second Release

description = An ink drawing of a barren tree with monkeys in its branches
file = cover.jpg

- mp3
- opus

-- more
Recorded in the summer of '94 at West Callaghan Ranch, XE.

Featuring Ted Tukowsky on Trombone and Lisa Merringfield on Theremin.
-- more

For details on the syntax used in the manifest files see the eno language guide on the eno website, simply modifying the examples in the manual should get you there without any problems though, the example here is pretty much as complex as it gets.