Faircamp Manual Faircamp


To specify metadata and settings create files with the extension .eno and any filename of your choosing anywhere inside the catalog. Each manifest applies to the folder it is contained in, as well as (recursively) to all subfolders. Manifests located deeper down in the folder hierarchy can override metadata and settings specified in manifests in folders above.

├─ a.eno
├─ first_release/
│  ├─ b.eno
│  ├─ track_1.mp3
│  ├─ track_2.mp3
│  └─ track_3.mp3
└─ second_release/
   ├─ c.eno
   ├─ track_1.mp3
   ├─ track_2.mp3
   └─ track_3.mp3

In the example above, everything defined in a.eno applies to first_release and second_release, but b.eno can selectively override options for first_release, as likewise c.eno can selectively override options for second_release.

Here is an example manifest to give you an idea of how they work:

# release

description = An ink drawing of a barren tree with monkeys in its branches
file = cover.jpg

-- text
Recorded in the summer of '94 at West Callaghan Ranch, XE.

Featuring Ted Tukowsky on Trombone and Lisa Merringfield on Theremin.
-- text

Note that manifest lines such as # release are not comments but denote sections (and instead > these are comments). For a detailed guide on the syntax used in the manifest files see the language guide on the eno website, simply modifying the examples in the manual should get you there without any problems as well though, the example here is pretty much as complex as it gets.