Faircamp 1.2 Faircamp


This is an attempt to document which tags (in terms of low-level technical specification) faircamp supports/uses for its own fields, which ones it writes, etc. Note that this documentation might not always be 100% complete or accurate, as tags and their standardisation tend to be messy.


Embedded cover images: Not supported


Embedded cover images: Not supported

Same tags as MP3 and WAV - see ID3.


Tag decoding for ALAC uses the mp4parse crate.

Embedded cover images: Not supported License: cprt (tbd) Release title: ©alb Release artist: aART Track artist/s: ©art, ©ART Track number: trkn Track title: ©nam


Tag decoding for Flac uses the metaflac crate.

Embedded cover images: Supported

Same tags as Ogg Vorbis and Opus - see Ogg Vorbis.


Tag decoding for ID3 uses the id3 crate.

License: TCR [2.2] / TCOP [2.3, 2.4] (Copyright) (tbd) Release title: TALB (Album) Release artist: TPE2 (Album artist) Track artist/s: TPE1 (Artist/s) Track number: TRCK (Track) Track title: TIT2 (Title)


Embedded cover images: Supported

When transcoding to MP3, faircamp writes tags as ID3v2.3 rather than the latest ID3v2.4. This is done to achieve greater compatibility with players and operating systems (e.g. Windows and its media player have a long history of not supporting ID3v2.4 tags).

Same tags as AIFF and WAV - see ID3.

Ogg Vorbis

Tag decoding for Ogg Vorbis uses the lewton crate.

Embedded cover images: Not supported License: "copyright" (tbd) Release title: "album" Release artist: "albumartist", "album artist" Track artist/s: "artist" Track number: "track_number" Track title: "title"


Tag decoding for Opus uses the opus_headers crate.

Embedded cover images: Not supported

Same tags as Flac and Ogg Vorbis - see Ogg Vorbis.


Embedded cover images: Not supported

Known limitiations:

Same tags as AIFF and MP3 - see ID3.

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