Faircamp Manual


Release artists and titles are automatically derived from audio file metadata, however as you will possibly want to provide a textual description or tweak the displayed title and artists for display in the browser, such data can be provided through the manifests.

By default faircamp strips all metadata off the audio files that you supply when it transcodes them for streaming and downloading, only adding back those tags that it needs and manages itself, i.e. the title, track number, artist (s), release artist(s) and release title. The rewrite_tags option lets you control this: Set it to 'no' and faircamp will transfer all tags 1:1 from the source files onto the transcoded files, as you provided them.

# release

artist: Heston Exchange
date: 2019-11-03
include_extras: no
permalink: ape-affairs-bonus-track-edition
rewrite_tags: no
title: Ape Affairs (Bonus Track Edition)
track_numbering: disabled

description = An ink drawing of a barren tree with monkeys in its branches
file = cover.jpg

-- text
Recorded in the summer of '94 at West Callaghan Ranch, XE.

Featuring Ted Tukowsky on Trombone and Lisa Merringfield on Theremin.
-- text

If you provide a cover image, use description to include an image description for it.

The text field allows the use of Markdown.

For an explanation what a permalink is please see the "Concepts Explained" page, unter "Topics".

Any additional files in a release directory besides the audio files, cover image and manifests (.eno files) are considered "extras" and by default included with the release downloads (think artwork, liner notes, lyrics, etc.). To turn this off, specify: include_extras: no (or respectively yes to turn it back on for single releases). Note that if there are multiple images in the release directory and you don't explicitly choose which of them is the cover in your manifest, faircamp will use a simple heuristic to choose which of them it picks as the cover: "cover.jpg" before "front.jpg" before "album.jpg", and after that it will pick randomly. Note that it can also be ".png" or another format, only the filename before the extension is considered, and case is disregarded as well, so it can also be "Cover.jpg", for instance.

If your release has multiple principal artists (e.g. a split EP), instead of artist: Alice you can also use the following to make faircamp present two discrete artists as main artists of the release:

- Alice
- Bob

track_numbering allows configuration of the numbering style used - by default it's arabic (01 02 03 …) but can be set to hexadecimal (0x01 0x02 0x03 …), roman (I II III …) or disabled.

Tracks are sorted by the track numbers found in the audio file metadata, otherwise they are alphabetically sorted. Tracks with track numbers in metadata are sorted before those without them, if you happen to have such mixed material.

Note that the date is used for sorting only: Both on the homepage, as well as on artist pages (label mode) releases that have the most recent date are displayed on top, followed by older ones and lastly followed by those that have no date specified at all (those will follow no intentional order). Dates must be supplied strictly in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Unlisted releases

By including an unlisted flag in the release manifest/section you can configure a release to be generally present in the built site, but not publicly referenced anywhere. In other words, visitors will only be able to open an unlisted release page if they know the permalink. This is potentially interesting to do a pre-release or such for friends or collaborators.

# release


Note that in label mode, artists that have only unlisted releases will also be unlisted, that is, they will not appear on the home/index page. Their artist page however will still be generated, it too can be visited as an unlisted page then by those who know the permalink.

Next page: Artists